Moloa'a Bay Coffee has been named a Kaua'i District Winner at the Hawaii Coffee Association’s 11th Annual Statewide Cupping Competition! Coffee industry professionals from Hawai'i and around the world gathered for HCA's 24th annual conference in July 2019 on O'ahu. Our Moloa'a Bay Coffee received a top honor in the Kaua'i district in the fully washed/Typica category with a score of 81.190. We are pleased to share that this qualifies our coffee as a specialty coffee, and this was our first year submitting our Moloa'a Bay Coffee to the competition. Our Moloa'a Camp Coffee has been the Kaua'i District winner in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, and 2018.
From the press release:
In the cupping competition, 93 entries from growing districts located across the state competed for top honors. The top-scoring coffee was produced by Greenwell Farms in Kona with a washed Geisha variety receiving a score of 85.28. Awards were presented to the top coffees produced in growing regionslocated throughout the islands, and to the top 10 highest scoring coffees.
Kona-based Pacific Coffee Research organized this year’s competition utilizing a judging panel comprised of local licensed Q graders led by Ian Fretheim, director of Sensory Analysis for Cafe Imports in Minneapolis. The panel employed the standard Specialty Coffee Association’s cupping methodology and scoring format. Coffee cupping is a combination of art and science where coffees are evaluated and scored based on subtle characteristics including flavor, aroma, ‘mouth-feel’, acidity, sweetness and aftertaste. 2 Cupping Committee chair Brian Webb said, “It was a great pleasure to work with our panel of judges and the many farms who submitted coffees to this year's competition. After months of cataloging, roasting, and evaluating these coffees we were excited to see such diversity of variety, processing methods, and growing regions in the top 10. The ability of Hawaii farmers to produce truly great coffee was well represented by the range of flavors and the overall excellent quality of this year's field of entries.”
Mahalo to the Hawai'i Coffee Association for the opportunity to participate, and for their work to strengthen and promote Hawai'i's coffee industry!
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